Thursday, April 10, 2008

what this page is about

We're winding up this year's study group. Our focus has been on writing but, as always, I'm trying to sneak in a little of the technology too. Last year we used, an online learning community, to communicate and showcase our literacy learnings. This year (well, maybe just this month!?) we're exploring/using our school websites (new this year) and wikis and blogs. Next year?!? All things are possible, virtually speaking. After all, it's April and we have all the way to August to do our dreaming.

So that's why the sandbox (borrowed that idea from my wiki provider)--a safe place to experiment with new tools and maybe even new ways of thinking about the teaching of literacy.

1 comment:

Wendy Morris said...

I think a blog is a great way to have dialogue on a specific topic. As a teacher looking for feedback from students (and with a blog parents can contribute too) it gives a jumping off point in the classroom. Consider the information below:

In today's society the spread of infections disease is certainly a concern - with global travel and incubation periods a nasty "bug" could infect millions. What infectious diseases concern you and why?

Thank you for covering such an important topic with Robie. I work at Columbia Owens Downtown Airport in a management position and I very well understand the necessity to have the proper vaccines for diseases from other countries.
Terrorism is a frightful and horrible reality that I deal with every day. The understanding and proper vaccinations can help prevent infiltration of terror through these means. The best way to deal with any topic is to have the proper education and training. Understanding eliminates fear.

Thank you for your concern and your willinginess to have an input from the parents.

I think you should teach about a rare skin disease that is now becoming more common and can be fatal called necrotitis fasciitis.

The first thing that comes to mind is TB. I hear a lot about it. This guy on the news had the disease I wanted to know what it was. He went to Europe and was forced back into the US and put in this TB camp. I wanted to so bad about this disease.

Where do I go from here? (I get so excited) We can find links to information or I can tell them what I know - a parent who knows more can too. We definately need to take a minute and cover TB. What a great question/tie in!! We also need to look at diseases that can be used as weapons of terror and other topics - we'd be tying DIRECTLY into student interest and can continue talking, posing questions and LEARNING!!