Friday, January 9, 2009

personal technology: HDTV and DVD

I'm not much of a TV watcher. Small screens, outdated TVs--no problem. I've got cable! No problem until the arrival of the Wii.

Fast forward to my twice-handed-down "new" plasma HDTV--too small for its former owners but impressive as TVs go in my home!

There were new DVDs under the Christmas tree--and old ones still in shrink wrap and silver security stickers in the study cabinet. HDTV in the living room and only a VCR (and Wii for company)?

I ordered a DVD player that promises to upscale even my not-so-high-tech older DVDs for quality viewing.

And then I decided tonight that I could install it all by myself! YES!!!!

Fast forward to tomorrow when Time Warner is getting a used digital cable box back. Like I said, I'm not much of a TV watcher. Whatever the promised benefits of that black box, I needed the space it was occupying. Might want to play one of my old VHS movies, you know . . .

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