Monday, July 14, 2008

personal technology--mp3 player

The story of how I came to own one--and why I waited so long--is on my other blog (click link above). But here are the digital immigrant confessions . . .

what I already knew
how to download music
how to create playlists
that shuffle is a universal play option
that the usb ports in my new PC are powered (but don't try charging the player on the upstairs computer . . .)
that, when all else fails (or sooner), consult the manual
that my new toy could be a hazard to my perfect hearing :-)

what I had to learn
how to use a joystick controller (I know that speaks volumes about what else I have yet to experience . . . but I'm going for truth here)
how to turn my player off and on
that mp3 player menus work a lot like cell phone and digital camera menus and that I'm still a neophyte in mastering any of these
that iPod has a corner on the docking station and speaker market and finding the right, affordable model for my player is going to be a challenge
that I really do need earphones I can trust to stay in place
that I've been missing out much too long on this source of music therapy/pleasure!!!!

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